Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety

You may have heard about mental health disorders, like how they might affect people’s lives. But have you ever heard about mental health literacy? It was a term coined in the middle of the 1990s. Mental health literacy refers to an individual’s knowledge about mental health issues and wellness, how to identify issues when they occur, possible ways to manage symptoms, treatment options, etc.

People with little mental health literacy are less likely to seek help. This is because they cannot recognize and/or identify the issue or the symptoms that they are experiencing, and most of the time they suffer unknowingly. In such cases when the issues or symptoms go unrecognized, treatment is often delayed until things have gotten so severe that daily functioning is impaired. Being able to recognize mental health issues and symptoms early on means less suffering and better outcomes in treatment.  

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues across the globe. So, let’s find out what anxiety is.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural human response to stress. It is characterized by feelings of fear and apprehension about the future. People typically feel a bit anxious about their first day of school or the first day of new job. Some people may feel anxious when meeting new people or doing something for the first time. You must be thinking of anxiety as being similar to nervousness, right? Yes, it is somewhat like being nervous but is much more serious and significantly impacts your daily life. People with anxiety experience a debilitating state of nervousness and fear. They experience times when they are unable to focus or concentrate. Anxiety may decrease people’s confidence and can have detrimental effects on their social and professional life. In addition, people might experience various physical symptoms like:  

·         Stomachaches

·         Headaches

·         Heart palpitations

·         Digestive problems

·         Sleep disturbances

How can you tell if you have anxiety?

If you frequently feel anxious, you are likely to develop anxiety issues. Here are some questions that can help you determine whether you have anxiety.

1.      Do you experience feelings of fear and worry about many things, even the smallest things?

2.      Does your mind start making the worst-case scenarios if you encounter an unpleasant or unfavorable situation?

3.      Do you feel a whirlwind in your head which doesn’t let you focus?

4.      Do you avoid public gatherings?

5.      Do you feel uncomfortable trying out things for the first time?

6.      Do you ask for reassurance frequently?

7.      Do you struggle with your everyday sleep?

8.      Do you experience frequent stomachaches, headaches, lightheadedness, muscular tension, jaw tightening?

9.      Do you miss out on things because you get anxious?

10.  Do you sometimes drink alcohol or use other substances to try to reduce anxiety?

Well, if the answer to many of the questions above is yes, then it may be time to get some help. You might be suffering from anxiety issues unknowingly. Reach out to a mental health professional to find out for sure whether you have anxiety. If you do, treatment can help!

For more information about anxiety, go here.


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