Anxiety Therapy
Anxiety Therapy
Every morning feels like a repeat of the same thing. You already know, all too well, that hitting the snooze button is not going to make your day any better; neither is placing your pillow over your face and crying out in frustration.
You feel the stress and anxiety before your feet even hit the floor.
Does this sound like a typical morning for you? Do you wake up on most days (or maybe even every day) wishing for more sleep or for anything that will allow you to avoid the day ahead?
With much effort, you eventually manage to pull yourself out of bed, already feeling stressed and overwhelmed, whether it’s because of the time (maybe you’ve hit snooze for the last 20 minutes), the fact that you didn’t sleep well (because worrying keeps you up at night sometimes), or the dozen to-do lists of the day running through your mind. The day ahead requires your utmost energy and effort. You need stamina and focus, but instead you feel drained, unmotivated, and anxious, and all you can think of is the intense need you have to get some more rest or to hide or at least, to have a little more time to pull yourself together.
You go on autopilot: Shower, get dressed, try to eat something, and maybe caffeinate yourself. Your thoughts are a whirlwind as you continue to stress about all of the things that need to be done at work, then at home, the bills to pay, the errands to run, the kids, your partner—the list goes on, and so do your worry-filled thoughts. Oftentimes, this state of anxiety doesn’t exactly make you the most pleasant person to be around.
Not only do you experience anxiety and stress, the anxiety that you experience can also affect others.
Your partner, the children, or other family members take notice of this. Maybe they avoid you or occasionally mention your irritability and “jumpiness.” You often find yourself standing in the shower for an extra minute because getting out means facing all those responsibilities — facing the world. You might feel like you just really need that minute to gather yourself. You have your career to think about, your family, your loved ones, and all the responsibilities that come along with life. You know that people need you and depend on you. This only creates even more anxiety, worry, and stress in your mind, knowing that you have to keep up, you have to perform and stay on top of your game.
On the outside, you may appear like you have it all together. Maybe others praise you for your collected and composed demeanor. Your coworkers certainly don’t know how much you struggle—or how stressed you feel—every single day.
Deep down, you have an incessant sense of worry and fear that people will see the anxiety and the accompanying sadness, frustration, and lack of confidence that you experience.
You do your best to shake those feelings and put a big smile on your face—the façade—like you’ve done for so, so long.
The remainder of your day likely has its ups and downs; however, some days are entirely a struggle. The worry and anxiety can be all-consuming. Anticipating all the worst-case scenarios can lead you down a path of chronic negative thinking and sometimes self-destructive behaviors. Sometimes talking to others can be a struggle as you second-guess yourself and worry about what they might be thinking about you. Then, there are the physical symptoms: Stomach or body aches and pains, headaches, or muscle tension. You can feel how not only your mind but also your body holds on to your stress and anxiety. You might wonder sometimes how much more of this your body will be able to handle before it becomes too much.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your days weren’t such a struggle?
Wouldn’t it be great if you actually felt like the successful, competent, and confident person you work so hard to portray to the world?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just feel more joyful, present, and content with your life?
You deserve a better quality of life. Deep down you know this, but for so long you have continued to tell yourself, “Right after (blank), I will concentrate on me.” However, prioritizing your wellbeing and addressing the anxiety, stress, worry, fear, and self-doubt shouldn’t be placed on the back burner or postponed for some point in the future, when all the stars align. This is your life — it’s not put on pause; it’s happening right now.
Now is the time to focus on yourself and make some positive changes to better manage stress and anxiety.
I can help you achieve this critical turning point so that you can get on a path of healing and self-development.
I’ve worked with numerous clients who experience many of the thoughts and feelings that you struggle with daily. So many people wake up every morning filled with fear, already worrying about the responsibilities and tasks of their day. I have helped many clients develop skills to manage their anxiety and stress, build their self-confidence and self-esteem, discover their life passions, build resilience, and implement effective coping strategies to manage the inevitable challenges that life brings. I can help you develop the skills and tools to improve your wellbeing and quality of life. No more avoiding stuff, worrying incessantly, and carrying fears and doubts that hold you back from your best life and your best self.
I can help you identify and break through self-defeating patterns and gain a sense of empowerment that will set you up for success from the moment that you rise in the morning and beyond.
All you have to do now is contact me for an appointment or request more information.