Dr. Renee I Anderson Counseling

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Self-Care: Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss It and How To Make It A Life Priority

The importance of self-care and incorporating this coveted time into daily life is a popular topic of discussion nowadays. It’s certainly not a new concept—to set aside me time every day for the sake of our emotional and physical health—but it’s likely that the increased emphasis on this topic is due to the fact that many people are leaving self-care to the wayside, considering it a luxury rather than a priority. 

The pace of our everyday lives seems to be intensifying, and oftentimes we reach the end of a workday with that feeling that there simply aren’t enough hours to do everything—to fit in everything. However, the truth is that self-care is necessary for mental health and stress management, to prevent burnout and other emotional concerns, and to combat potential physical health problems, and it should not be dismissed. The fact that we work harder and longer and that we stay connected to our devices on an almost constant basis means that self-care must be distinguished as a health need. We must acknowledge that self-care is equivalent to juicing your greens or increasing healthy fat intake—we now know that without it, our health will not remain at optimal levels of functioning.

When it comes to putting self-care into practice, think simple and think less is more. You don’t need to go out of your way or plan a complex activity if you don’t have time and if you think that this might serve as a barrier, stopping you from actually doing self-care.

You must also focus on making your selected self-care activity a habit. The best way to achieve this is to do the activity for 90 days. This is the magic number when it comes to turning an activity into a lasting habit. Even before the habit is established, you’ll begin to reap the benefits of self-care. You will be able to see, firsthand, how your efficiency, your creativity, your ability to manage daily challenges, and your focus and attention will soar.

Don’t forget your daily dose of self-care. Prioritize it and you will enjoy the benefits of your best health.

You can find more information about anxiety, life transitions, and relationship issues here.

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