Empathy. Compassion. Trust.
The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditations brings numerous benefits to physical and emotional health and enhances wellbeing on a daily basis. Just 10 minutes of regular practice can be life-changing and transformative. People who meditate—whether at the beginner, intermediate, or advanced level—can see the impact of this practice on their health, interactions with others, personal and occupational functioning, and quality of life.
Top 3 Tips for Better Communication in Relationships
Is the style, approach, and content of your communication effective?
The Effectiveness of CBT
CBT helps people to identify negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.
Help for Parents
From Paula Singer at Walden University: This Essential Resource for Parents and Families includes brief videos, articles, and tools that focus on helping parents guide their children in learning at home, and helping parents navigate their own wellness in these high-stress times.
Is Online Therapy For You?
You've probably heard of online therapy right, but what does it actually look like? How does it actually work? Is it really something that you want to do? Here’s some answers to those questions and the pros and cons as I see it.
Is Insurance Always The Best Option?
If you have health insurance you're probably tempted to use it for any counseling. But should you? There's actually some very compelling reasons why you shouldn't, but even before we even get to that, can you even use insurance the way you want?